Dermaplaning is an exfoliating treatment that provides an alternative to chemical peels or microdermabrasion and is a good choice for anyone who has fine facial hair, extremely sensitive skin, redness or rosacea, or visible facial veins. The Dermaplaning is excellent as on its own or combined with hydrating rejuvenating facials or chemical peels. It is performed with a blade to gently exfoliate the outer layer of dead skin cells and remove fine facial hair commonly known as “peach fuzz”, a noticeable improvement is immediate with smoother texture and fresh, brighter skin appearance. Hair returns softly and will not become coarser because of the treatment. This procedure is recommended for all skin types with the exception of those who suffer from acne plus it is safe and effective for pregnant or nursing women. Even products penetrate the skin better following this treatment.
Want to look great right before that special event? Try Dermaplaning you leave glowing and your makeup looks even better.
Microneedling (Terapia de Inducción de Colágeno):(Collagen Induction Therapy):Precios incluyen infusión de Péptidos y mascarilla regeneradora antiedad
Cara Completa (4 areas) . 90 Minutes
Promo:$580/session (Reg $800)
Área de mejillas :45 minutes.
Area de la frente :45 minutes.
Area Periorbital (alrededor de los ojos) :45 minutes.
Area Perioral (alrededor de los labios) :45 minutes.
Cuello & Escote :45 minutes.
Mancha Oscura en la piel (por sol o edad) :30 minutes.
Paquete de sesiones: Compra 4 y recibe1 GRATIS para cualquier facial
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